
Water, Water Everywhere!!

Oh my goodness! These past couple of weeks have kept me so busy! The house has been falling apart ~ well not literally obviously but it feels like it. It all started 2 weeks ago on Sunday when, after a long relaxing soak in the bath, I drained it as normal and then heard Derek screaming from the kitchen below! The bath water wasn't draining to the outside, it was gurgling through the pipes and coming out the open washing machine door and overflowing the sink. The floor was soaked!! I swear, we used every towel we own to soak it up!
Then of course the drain problems just seemed to spiral out of control lol. Geez, I can laugh now but it really wasn't funny at the time I can tell ya. It was so bad, it got to the stage where we were doing dishes and the dish water was filling the washing machine, and when we washed clothes in the machine the soapy suds ended up in the sink lol. What is with that??
Last Saturday, after unsuccessfully trying to use a home-made drain-cleaning concoction made from baking soda, vinegar and salt *talk about chemistry* we went to Asda at 1am to buy Mr Muscle lol.
7 days later, we called the plumber lol.

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