
Spring has come Early!

One of my "unofficial resolutions" this year was to stop procrastinating and get a huge list of things done! I'm sure you all know what it's like... you have something to do but for one reason or another you just never seem to get around to doing it, and then you forget about it, then when you remember again it just seems to fall to the back of your mind again. Well, my list is a mile long - no joke! So this weekend I'm going to put every task that I have to do in my PDA and work through them one at a time. I've even set up recurring ones so we get our chores done lol.

So far I have:
~ Every chore imaginable, from ironing clothes to tidying the spare room!
~ Letters I have to write to various organisations.
~ A list of photos I want to print or have printed for frames around the house.
~ Birthday and baby presents I have to buy.
~ Cards I have to make.
~ Websites I've been meaning to order stuff from.
~ Numbers I need to call to get details changed.

And so the list goes on... and on and on... lol.
But I'm doing not too bad. Derek and I have done so much today! We took Jazz to the vet for his check-up, went to Makro for ink for the printer and cat litter, gave the living room a good tidy (and clean and dust), moved some furniture around, did 2 washings, and put pizzas in the oven! All by 6:20pm! :oD

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