
Onesies, 10 Years & My Birthday

Hi, how's it going? Can I please just take a moment to point you to Jen's blog... She has a beautiful photo of her Son, William, wearing his oh-so-cute onesie I designed! Here he is! Isn't he adorable??? I thought he was a cutie in the first photo but the second - wow!

Now you may have noticed my absence recently. Life's been crazy here ~ trying to juggle work, the gym, Avon, babygrows... But it's been totally worth it 'cos my chart is up again! I'm almost 1/3 of the way there! I added my Avon commission from my first order. And I started my next round last night so hopefully that'll be successful as well. :o) Mum and Dad are away on holiday today so I'm taking this week off work to chill. I'm going through to cat-sit Socks and Mittens and take the opportunity to start eBaying again! So much to sell that didn't sell at the bootsale last weekend. And I must admit, I'm really starting to get withdrawal symptoms lol.

One other piece of news this week... Alison and I have been grat friends now for 10 years!! We went out to dinner on Wenesday night to celebrate a Decade of Friendship. :o) After a Starbucks, we headed to Le Monde in Edinburgh's George Street (super fancy!) where we had thee nicest 3-course meal! I had assorted warm breads with olive oil and balsamic vinegar to start, followed by lobster cannelloni. Alison had pitta bread with humous and chicken tossed in pasta. Then in true girlie fashion we finished it off with a milk and white chocolate fondue with fresh fruit and marshmallows. :o) Delicious! I took some photos but it was quite dark and I didn't have my good camera, so they didn't really come out. Great pictures on their website though. :o)

OMG I can't believe I haven't blogged about my birthday! Well I turned 27 last Saturday so I'm really starting to feel old now. :o( Mind you, I'll never be quite as old as Derek! Lol. On the Friday night Derek met me after work and we went for a tapas dinner at La Tasca in Glasgow's Renfield Street, which was delicious. I'd been there a couple of times for lunch with people from work but this was Derek's first trip and he loved it! Then on Saturday after the bootsale, Alison and Jason came through (Alison being my sister and Jason being her boyfriend) and we all went for dinner at China Buffet King at XScape. It's an amazing place! A real ski-slope, adventure golf, sky-high assault course, wall-climb etc, and loads of bars and restaurants. We could see the ski-slope from where we were dining which was pretty cool. I have some photos to post so I'll get them on here soon. I got loads of nice presents. Derek and I had decided not to do gifts this year but when I got back in the car after La Tasca he presented me with a beautiful orchid and a carton of smoothie. Most girls like flowers and chocolates but he knows me better than anyone lol. Amongst other things, I got money (which is always good), two bags, a lovely pen set, jewellery, gift vouchers and a Tatty Teddy top.

Ok I think this is long enough. I'm gonna go help Derek tidy up and then attempt to sift my way through the bootsale remnants lol. Hmmm easier said than done lol.

Oh one last thing ~ I've decided I'm going to keep the photo blog but only post occassionally. If I get a chance this week I'll start on revamping that.

Have a great weekend!


Super Happy Jen said...

Thanks for the link. I definitely think more Scottish folk should read my blog.

Yesterday I weighed William using the (highly inaccurate) method of weighing myself, then weighing him and myself, then subtracting the difference. It worked out to a hefty 15 lbs 8 ounces. Big Boy!

Alison said...

I've got a fab pic of the fondue! Will email you it!