
Mad March

Can you believe it? We're into March and this blog is still up and running! That's pretty impressive! Not much has been happening the past few days, hence the lack of posting.

I've developed this really annoying cold again. Sore throat, slight cough and stuffed up nose... Yuck! :o( Not helped by the fact that I trailed round the shops for ages yesterday in the rain with my Boss tryign to find a laser printer for work. What happened the modern-ness of buying online?? Then this morning as we were pulling out the driveway we noticed we had a flat tyre so I had to walk down to the train station. Luckily it wasn't raining but it was cooooold!! So now my throat really hurts. :o(

Apart from that I've been busy with my "secret business", a wee something I have in the pipeline... I'll be able to say more soon hopefully! *Mysterious Look.* And I've made some more cards which is good. Keeps me out of trouble. :o) Oh, and eBay sales are still trickling in so I'll update the pie chart over the weekend.


Super Happy Jen said...

I've been so lazy about checking your blog lately. Sorry for that. You'll be happy to know that I've read everything and am now up to date. Thanks for the congratulations. No package yet, but I'll keep an eye out. I'm enjoying your charts, especially the saving for TO pie chart, becaus I know when it's filled in I get to see you!

Carol said...

Jen I don't think it's lazy... it's called being a new Mum lol.