

I'll be placing my 3rd Avon order at the start of next week and now that I've established my customer base, I thought I'd introduce some incentives. :o) Love making money! Lol.
I forgot to take my book on the train this morning so I started brainstorming instead lol. Here's what I came up with:
  • Introducing the Points System. For each £1 a customer spends, they get 10 Avon points. Points can be used to 'pay' for items in their order. I'd back-date points so they start with a balance based on their sales up until that point.
  • Enclosing free Samples with brochures for existing customers. I did this already and I'm not sure the level of success. So far nobody has bought the item I let them sample lol. But they have placed an additional order.
  • Refer-a Friend! Offering my existing customers to recieve a 10% discount card valid for one order for each new customer they generate for me. I'm thinking this would encourage people to take their brochure to work, school, the gym, relatives... They refer 5 new customers to me, they get 10% off their next five orders!
  • Enjoy a Free Gift! To encourage larger orders, I was thinking that all orders over say £25 would recieve a free bottle of room spray, or bath jelly or something. Maybe from a range that they wouldn't normally buy from.

Ok now I'm done brainstorming, it's your turn! What do y'all think about these? Any new suggestions are very much appreciated. :o)




We've been having some crazy summer weather here in the UK. Friday night we had the worst thunder and Saturday night was torrential rain for hours! But England seems to be more badly affected (wish I could feel for them lol.) I read an article this morning about the fear of a dam bursting in South Yorkshire where hundreds have fled their homes after cracks appeared in the wall of the reservoir.
In Sheffield, there has been significant damage to the city, damage which they think could run into millions of pounds. I know that this "off the scale" crazy weather and its consequences are not to be taken lightly, but I can't help but think of New Orleans. To them this is merely a puddle and residents are freaking out! Hopefully it will take something like this close to home to open people's eyes to the natural disasters taking place all over the world.
I had to laugh though... There was a comment on the BBC news website from someone stating "It took me 4 hours to drive the 10 miles home from Sheffield yesterday." You know, sometimes it's ok to walk lol.

Ok that's my piece for the day. :o)


Barbados Cherries

I'm sitting here enjoying a nice tuna and sweetcorn pasta salad and a smoothie for my lunch.
The salad states that "it may not mend a broken heart but this tun pasta is seriously comforting." Lol. It's lunch and any sort of lunch is comforting 'cos it stops you being hungry!
And I also learned a bit of trivia. Did you know that the acerola cherry (also known as the Barbados cherry) is so much fancier than the regular everyday cherry? Lol.


Happy Father's Day Dad!

Happy Fathers Day to the best Dad in the world! :oD

I phoned Dad and the first thing I said was "Happy Father's Day" to which he replied..... "Thanks, d'you want to speak to Mum?" *Sigh*. :oP


Today Neilston, tomorrow the World!

Today I spoke to my Avon Sales Manager on the phone about my the territory I get to cover. At the moment I have 2 streets but one of them isn't nearly as profitable as the other. And I clearly have a long way to go to reach my 100% target for Toronto. So, I decided to see if I could swap it for another area. Well, today I got given 4 more streets! They're all weensie so it's only like 54 houses. But I'm hoping that my total sales hit £400 a campaign! It's not too unrealistic considering my first campaign was £228 and my second was £328! Go me! Lol. We'll just have to wait and see. :D Loving it! :D :D :D

When I grow up, I want to be a hand model! Lol.

I'm famous!!! Our new work website was launched this week and I'm on it!!! Ok, it's only my hands and arm but it's me!!! I really must stop biting my nails now.....

Here I am!!
And again...
And one more time! :)

Here's my colleague Sarah's hands and Joanne (the more photogenic one of us all *lol*) is posing here and here!

I know what you all are thinking... how do the guys here get any work done with us beatiful ladies around??? ;) HAHAHA!!!

Quick Toronto update: I have my latest Avon invoice in, so with that and my last batch of babygrows, I can update my chart tonight! :D


Jen and Carol's International Photo Tag!

My Canadian friend Jen and I started a new blog that everyone should check out. (http://internationaltag.blogspot.com)

Here's the description:
"Canadian Jen posts a picture, then Scottish Carol posts a picture of the same thing (only Scottish). Then Carol posts a pic of something else, then Jen posts a pic of the same thing (only Canadian). And one day, with luck, we'll have a photo blog that compares Burlington, Ontario, Canada with Glasgow, Scotland in some interesting way."
t all started with squirrels and we've now covered street signs, "crosswalks" and now we're on post boxes lol.


So bad at blogging!

Blogging is hard... I always seem to come up with an alternative to doing it. And it's not that I don't want to, it's just I never get around to it lol.

So what's been happening?, I hear you cry...

Well, not really much exciting. The sun's been shining a lot, in fact, it's almost been (dare I say it?) Hot!! I was at the gym tonight and even with the fans on, it was boiling!! Still, surely sweating off the weight is good, right? Hahaha, and speaking of the gym, I'm not weighed myself in ages. I'm almost scared to! I don't think I've lost any more weight. Last time I checked I was 6lbs from my target weight which is pretty good. And since I started this routine I've lost 8lbs so I'm more than half-way which is good. Motivation still hasn't really kicked me up the backside yet, but I'm hoping it will soon!

Work is crazy ~ the usual ~ especially this month. I'd better not say too much here though, don't want the press hounding me lol. Btw that reminds me. I found a clip on YouTube of a guy, pissed 'cos his conviction wasn't overturned by us, who had chained himself to the doors of the office here and had to get cut free and escorted off my Police! Lol. It's a mad place!

Ok ER is about to come on, so I'll end here...