It's Red Nose Day today! :O) I'm ashamed to say that I don't have a red nose yet... must go buy one at lunchtime.
Lol, for those of you who are non-UK residents and think I've gone mad, click on the big nose above to learn more about this eventful day.
Accross the UK, people are bathing in a bath full of cold custard, men are being waxed, heads are being shaved, cakes are being baked and sold, and literally everyone in the UK is wearing something red today. WHY?? I hear you ask! Well, they're all raising money for thousands of poor and disadvantaged people across the UK and Africa. They're helping them get the help they need to turn their lives around. Whether it be a woman living down their own street who is being abused by her partner or a child struggling to survive on the streets of Africa... all the cash raised is helping to improve, and in some cases save, lives.
We've got a sweepstake going at work ~ a poster with 40 people all dressed in red and white ~ each person costs £1 to bet on. We've all picked people and whichever one is revealed under the scratch-and-reveal nose wins £20 ~ the remaining £20 goes to Comic Relief! Plus there's been donations handed in all week. I'll let you know by the end of today how much money we've raised! :O)
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